ooo pathetique
Quote: Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to.
Saturday, July 25, 2009,12:31 PM

hehh. Still fighting with HIM. and honestly, don't really care. he wants to act retarded, he GETS retarded. hmph.

CCA kinda short? yes, suhanna, to you it isn't, but it IS. for us anyway. :P

oh oh! make up with her already lahh. you two crazy can? and i know both of you reading this, so don't buat bodoh. -_-

baby if they ask me.
i would say I don't even know your
and when
they ask me: does it change?
no it don't change a
'cause it's
something about the way you love me.
and it's
something about the way you
know me.
that I can't explain enough.