ooo pathetique
Quote: Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to.
Sunday, December 23, 2007,12:23 PM
first one

it's confirmed. we're going to chalet on the 28 dec.

do i seem calm? probably because inside i'm yelling:


yahoo! i went with the folks to the chalet office and i was like, whoa. there's a swimming pool and cafe there, plus our room is like sea-facing and is double storey, so i was so ecstatic.

pity we're only staying for 1 night.

actually the minimum is 2 nights, but the stupid girl on the phone didn't tell this little fact to my dad when he booked ages ago, so there was this whole fuss on minumum dates and maximum occupancy and surcharges and peak periods....


so in the end my dad asked to see the stupid manager and together they worked out a compromise.

all i can say is i admire the manager for having to deal with my mum's exceptionally loud voice.

speaking of loud voices.....

i mean, my mum's thai, for crying out loud. she doesn't know the way these stuff works and yet she pokes her loud voice into a perfectly civilized conversation.


but once more, anyway, i cant tell u what i was supposed to (i.e something personal), so....