ooo pathetique
Quote: Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to.
Thursday, April 2, 2009,7:09 PM

eh sial.

you think i who? your bloody punching bag or what? cmon lahh. if we were a couple, this would be called cosy relationship syndrome...

...this is known as "cosy relationship syndrome".You've been together so long,
he thinks he no longer needs to make the effort.

Cleo, March 2009

...but thankfully we aren't.

but seriously. wtf is wrong with you? you think i'm some kind of punching bag or what? really man. get a life. it's one thing to be a listening ear, another completely to have to be blamed for every bloody thing your ohsounfortunate girlfriend does to you that you don't like.

come on. get real. who wants to know if she put sugar or milk into your father's coffee?

come to think of it, why was she making coffee for your father in the first place?

argh. i give up. i don't wanna talk to you or see you or even listen to you. because really, you don't know how to make friends and you sure as hell don't know how to keep them. wow. i didn't realize you SUCKED that much at making new friends. no wonder you always lepak solo.

get a life, sucker.