ooo pathetique
Quote: Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to.
Friday, December 21, 2007,9:49 AM
coral sec sch, get ready to recieve me

i plan on being a real blockbuster.

really. today was the orientation for p6 going to sec1 next year rite and it was a total waste of time.

whyyy can't they send those forms by email huh? or by plain old snail mail? sssoooo much easier.

anyway seeing all the "well-disciplined, neatly groomes" prefects, to quote my father, i made up my mind to be a shocker to coral secondary.

haha.....i sound like i'm from normal tech instead of express...

which isn't so mad, now that you think about it. i don't even want to think about the workload in express stream.

i dont CARE what you say about merging, express is still gonna be waayyy harder.

why do you think they call it express, huh?

because it's like a mega express train, that's why. going choo choo choo all the way down to the MOE office or where ever they meet then back to the mega big sweatshop.

what a life.

maybe they should just classify everyone under "abnormally smart", eh? then when they start working it's up to them to see if they ARE abnormally smart. if they're not, they're classified "dum-dums who can't live up to expectations even when they're already equally classified with others" and get the "boot in face" insult and kicked out the chimney.


going to secondary school is definitely influencing me to think up murderous tortures for innocent passer-bys, so-called "dum-dums".


if you're not in sec 1++ and don't have a blog, don't bother to criticise me for my lack of orderly control because there IS an effect to moving on=the "i am growing up mua ha ha" effect.

which DOES exist, but is otherwise called the "you arrogant pig, infected with that disease found in resident evil that turns everyone into zombies, only you're more arrogant and show-offy than those zombies" effect.

which is really kinda beat-around the bush if you think about it.

but hey, who am i to criticise the ways of the ever-hardworking medical team that comes up with all the long, latin-y words for medical diseases? (dyslexia=??? [ok, so i do know what it means, but you get the point])

weird girl, that's who.

the weird girl who's about to rampage coral secondary school with her mad zombie dances and crazy sky-high results despite her often spat with teachers who think there are scores higher than 100%.

they DO exist u know.

the mad teachers who say 100% isn't 100%, it's only 100 out of 110.

they're getting senile. the MOE should really check on the sanity of teachers for the safety of their future pupils.

hey, if they want singapore to be a smart futuristic country, they should rid singapore of the senile teachers and send them to exile and thus perish in southern africa.

teaching them swahili would be nice, as would getting them to live in cow-dung huts and watching out for black mambas.

hopefully, just hopefully, one of those black mambas will manage to kill the senile teacher and slither onto a plane bound for singapore, thus terrorizing us with it's poisonous and often fatal bite.

ok, i admit i'm exaggerating.

but hey, it's a passing fantasy.

a passing fantasy that could, just could, come true. hopefully the black mamba will ignore us innocent kiddos and kill those who are mad, disgusting, freaky and thus worthless.

black mambas are a pretty good way of cleansing the earth, now that i think about it. yeah, add "criminal" and "gas-guzzlers, energy-wasters and old aunties who couldn't care less about the ozone layer" to the list and poof! you have a clean earth, free of pollutants and considerably worthless, space-taking people.

come to think about it (i know, i think things over too much), the earth would be quite free of the space problem due the fact that overly-loving couples continue to respawn at rapid rates, filling the earth with their diaper-needing, poop-smelling, rapid-wailing offspring.

cheaper by the dozen, anybody?