ooo pathetique
Quote: Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to.
Thursday, December 27, 2007,12:17 PM

i'm in too bad a mood to tolerate a 56-year old accusing me of things i am not. you want to find faults with me? let me help, ok? you want me to admit i'm not normal? fine, i admit that. i'm not normal. i put weird girl as my nick, ok? I'M NOT NORMAL.

you ask for my faults? fine. i'll give you my faults. i'm hot-tempered, i like revenge and i'm not afraid to do anything if you make me mad enough.

you think i'm a "sweetie-pie" person? sorry to enlighten you, but in case you don't know me, i'll just inform you of the fact that i am NOT a drama mama, ok? i just feel things stronger than others.

you want angry? i give you angry. plastic surgery won't help. you want sad? i create a flood. you want happy? you'll get infected.

i can't help it if i'm all those things. it's what you get when parents expect so much of you you start feeling things too strongly.

i didn't ask to be born in a house of geniuses. i didn't ask to be born with a hot-temper i can't curb. it's who i am. if you can't understand that cliche, get lost, all right? just one warning: DO NOT try to change me. DO NOT.