ooo pathetique
Quote: Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to.
Friday, July 11, 2008,1:54 PM
blah blah blah

while coming back from school. hmm.

there were two girls, sec 3 or 4, i think, cause my sec 4 NCDCC senior knew them, and they were having a screaming fit. actually, one of them was having a screaming fit.

see, this is what i can get from their 5 minute quarrel (or maybe more):

-girl A had wrongly accused girl B of writing something insulting
-girl B was pissed that she was wrongly accused
-girl A realized she was wrong (i think)
-girl A didnt tell girl B that, who
-started screaming at her
-while girl A was storming off

weird right? and by screaming, i MEAN screaming. i started hearing them before the road. you know, there's a road after the minimart, the one further down from the traffic light, going inwards. yep, that road. about 2 minutes before that.

so girl B was screaming things like
"you b***h! you not happy is it?"

along those lines. girl b was continuously saying that girl a was a bitch.


anyway. i managed to scrounge crescendo tickets. f-o-c, from miss farah. A ticket, actually. but guess what?

i turned it down.'

stupid, i know. but i guess i was feeling guilty. after all, the concert ends at 11.30 and starts at 7.30, when my sis would be watching. so it's kinda bad to just leave her liddat.

sheesh. i'm getting depressed. what a wasted chance.

but on the plus side, i can still play soccer. :D