ooo pathetique
Quote: Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to.
Friday, January 25, 2008,6:52 PM

2nd NCDCC training today.

i can tell you, ncdcc is one tough cookie to chew. seriously. like famous amos, you know, the kind that gets stuck into your teeth gaps, hardens, refuses to peel off even with listerine and remains stuck until it worms a good hole.

ncdcc? change the cookie to cca. THEN you get what i'm going through.

admittedly, though, the training today wasn't tough. not at all. can you believe it?? we played games to get to know each other, which is actually stupid because

1.) this is the 2nd training, for goodness sake. if they wanted us to get coordinated in the first place, why not do the games first during the first training instead of footdrills???


2.) how is games supposed to help us anyway? i mean, games are games, solely for entertainment purposes. plus one was really stupid where one person has to say the name of the people BEFORE him/her so the fourth person had to say 4 names.

imagine what happened to the last person.


sial, if that is not mad, i dunno what is.

seriously. i don't get the psychological aspect. you psychologists might disagree violently (no offense, especially my cuz who is training to a pyschologist) but how the heck is games supposed to help??????????????????????????

i dont get it, and i should know, i'm a victim of these games.

oops. did i say victim? sorry...actually, not that sorry. if i WAS sorry, i would have deleted the offensive word and replaced it with something else.

that's another thing for you psychologists to think about.

and consider carting me off to an asylum for i all care. i'm subject to my own opinions.