ooo pathetique
Quote: Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007,7:20 PM
I am legend

no, this isn't about the movie I am legend, which, by the way, makes me think that it's ripping off resident evil. all that zombie thingy. urgh.

no, i am legend is really what i want to become. surely you don't think i'll leave this world without making an impression, right? i mean, everyone know washington. abraham licolin, however that's spelled.

and they're not even remotely close to singapore.

but i intend to make a bigger mark than that. be it by hook or by crook i want to make everyone sit up when they hear my name. i want to make everyone say my name like the way they say pck-with tender love and memory. ok, without the tender love. with memories should do.

and how do you expect me to do this? why, by starting at coral sec, of course, which, for your own info, sounds like cs (counter strike), in short. how perfect, since i love cs condition zero. (assault rocks!)

now, stay tuned to coral secondary news just in case you find my name somewhere in the papers.
