ooo pathetique
Quote: Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to.
Thursday, April 30, 2009,6:38 PM

okay, okay, okay. my immunity system is BLUEGH. seriously. i keep getting flu from each freakin person that refuses to stay at home no matter how SICK they are. cough suhanna cough cough.

but anyway. exam next friday. must study. yeah right.

SWINE FLU spread to Texas liao. 1 death in Texas, America, 156 deaths in Mexico at time of blogging anyway. i damn scared if it spread to singapore mans. this thing is really serious duper contagious. if you got it, you won't even know it. you just walk around without any symptoms spreading it to everybody you walk by.

and singapore is so small, confirm the place go crazy.