ooo pathetique
Quote: Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008,7:24 PM
fried chicken, roti prata, prata wrapped in egg & cheese...

if you're wondering wat the hell is the title about, its bcoz i am bloody hungry.


mann....i can actually hear my stomach crying for food. "Feed me!", it's saying pitifully..

and the prata wrapped in egg & cheese? a local delicacy courtesy to the minimart near coral which we (WE as in me and some people) tend to loiter in.

A says she saw our operation manager once. i didnt believe but he was seriously actually coming. and we're forbidden to loiter anyway so....

the whole lot loitering at the minimart all cabut.

kinda funny really. upper sec running? what a laugh.


i read a blog by S and she put this:


I was like...WHAT THE HELL??

didn't i make it PERFECTLY clear that i DO NOT LIKE SMS?? forgive the name, but that's his initals. S.M.S.

wow. i just realized it. amazing revelation.


sorry about the pic thingy but i'm typing this on the laptop? so you'll have to wait.

: ]]

When you love, you live.

Mahatma Gandhi.

p/s: let's have a moment of silence for lydia sum...and not to forget our dear departed Ah Meng who i said i would never forget.