ooo pathetique
Quote: Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to.
Saturday, November 24, 2007,6:51 PM
wonder park

you know, if i got 10 cents for every "wonder" i had, i would be a billionare with an adviser to wonder all my wonders (and might, coincidentally, cause my downfall).

want an example? in sec sch, i have just one wonder to ask you although i have BILLIONS more-


i have, like a PHOBIA of that!!!


i was going MAD looking for this damn song i thought was from akon or eminem but i asked a schoolmate from p6 today at the exhibition at block 118 there and he said 50 cent.

i was, like, WTF!!!!!!

but hey, i trusted nazrie (particularly because he had the damn song in his so i searched 50 cent!!!!!!

and i forgot to ask the name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so i looked for 50 cent in general and looked at amusement park, feel good and watever whatsis before getting the bright idea of choosing the best name.

then i click on ayu technology and YES!!!!! BINGO!!!!!!!! GOAL!!!!!!!

for those imbeciles who can't imagine how great the song is, here's the url:

it is the most gorgeous video ever. pair three super singers and you get a super-juicy superburger.


and i posted the vid on the vid section anyway so no excuse not to watch it.

another vid that's got me addicted and hooked and drooling while watching (nothing pervertic, its just the song) is give it to me with nelly furtado (if i spelt wrongly, sorry), justin timberlake and timbaland.

ooh la la.

since i cant put any more vids online i guess i'll have to put the link:

oh i love dancing to it. madness.

i love nelly furtado. her voice just sounds great. timbaland's second. last is justin. no offense but i cannot lie when it comes to rapping or soft rock. maybe hip hop, but especially not RAPPING!!!!


next up: the freaking exhibition that was a total waste of time unless you count goofing off and dropping things