ooo pathetique
Quote: Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to.
Monday, March 9, 2009,9:16 PM

topic at hand?
the botak merlion.

a whole chunk of his head came off
first thing i thought was, sure die.
not to sound oldish or like your grandma, but seriously, we're in the middle of a bloody recession already. then the merlion goes and gets part of his head chopped off.
ok, so he couldn't help it, but still. can't be a good sign.
nice haircut, no?

and VERY recently i saw the Straits Times and it had this huge article on the front page: MERLION STRUCK BY LIGHTNING.

and the article was a short one. the ending was some Swedish or Canadian (cnt really remember, honestly) tourist guy cheering up after realizing what had happened because now HE HAD SOMETHING TO TELL TO HIS FRIENDS AT HOME.

i'm not against people having nice stories about their holidays overseas. really, i'm not. i encourage people to come to sg, and if it takes a botak merlion, then so be it.

but somehow, i think that if i'm the one holidaying and i realize a national icon got himself a new haircut, i would be sympathetic first, enthusiastic second. shows a lot about what barbers can do now, eh?

call me superstitious, but i don't think that getting the merlion struck by lightning in this dark times is really a good idea. something to do with karma.

but i do draw a line when people start consulting feng shui experts on this.

BUT on the bright side, look at it this way. at least now the merlion has a crown...or something like it. a half-crown.

11:36 AM

at least now i know why everyone's pissed with me.

since i have a stupid FLU and sore eye because of stupid singapore rainy weather (really, i'm getting sick and tired of it. singapore's supposed to be the tropical country, for god's sake!), i will explain everything from MY point of view.

first and foremost. seven words.


why is everyone guessing that? i got six msgs asking WHY and HOW and WHEN. i replied to all six that they got misinformation. best part is, all aren't even from sec 2, much less CORAL.

and when i say i did not break up with him, i mean we ARE together but just not talking to each other. for a while anyway. because i told him that i wanted a while to myself. which is true.

after that at home he msg me and i asked him about the whole punching the wall thing and he replied: I ONLY PUNCHED A BIT. and the next message he said I THINK I OVERREACTED.

overreacted? that's an understatement.

and he can say he's happy.

everyone's making him out to be the poor guy but he's drama. he admits that himself. he says he an emotional person. don't ask me about the use of the word, he used it himself, i'm just quoting. all i'm saying is, he acts without thinking and after he does whatever it is he does he looks back and says, yeah, i overreacted. it happens a lot.

it's not a flaw. it's just his style.

that's it. that's all there is to what happened on friday. unless you want to bring up the topic of what exactly i said, in which case i can explain myself.

sorry, i'm high on cough and flu medicine, and i'm half asleep while typing this. so i suggest that nobody should..uh, listen to this post too much. unless of course you intend to believe this post and forgive everything i crapped about on friday because of my flu already making its presence known and pissing me off, in which case you can go on and believe it.

like i said, feeling high. never mind. i'm probably not making any sense anyway.