ooo pathetique
Quote: Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009,8:16 PM


suhanna! i think i got your germs. DAMMIT?! i have freaking flu and slight fever and i lost my voice! i hate you. i used a whole tissue box in the past 1 hour.

*sneezes x2*

yes, that sneeze really happened. i'll write all my sneezes and we'll count, no?

school SUCKED. big time. i saw-


-too many people too many times. like wayy too many times. & K.T was being sarcastic, bernice was hyper B.R and emo A.R (Before Recess & After Recess), the sweets ran out during maths and i think i failed my maths test. the only question i actually knew was q.1. and who knows. the world hates me. i just might get that one wrong.

*sneeze x2*

oh man. i'm like crying since anyone who knows me knows that when i sneeze, i cry. it's a genetic problem. i was born a mutant.

my brother was born a weirdo, which is why he has a blood disorder. that explains a lot.


i wish i could NOT go school tomorrow, but yeah, well, it's Speech Day training and i really really wanna watch. i'm a reserve so i get to enjoy the sights. (:


last period was actually the best. CME. weird, right? helentan actually let us play basketball.

can you believe it? basketball/netball during CME?

yeah, i can't either.

& JJ's top button came off, the one just below collar. so he was walking around at McD looking really weird.


he said he was bringing sexy back. yeah, right.

sneezes: 7 and 1/2
tissues used: 1 and 1/4 box