ooo pathetique
Quote: Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to.
Sunday, July 20, 2008,2:43 PM
ding dong dumbass

finally! finally i get my hands on a decent, platinum 3, wireless LAN computer!

ok, so i had to pay two dollars for it. pretty cheap, if you ask me.


short post; i'm twitching to go and totally own my brother in cs. i have the mood today. anyway. went to the NLB book sale yesterday, maybe you would've heard of it? spent about $47 worth on books.

but the BEST one i bought is New Moon. Yes, that book has been driving me mad.

all i ask is not to drive me mad. i bought it yesterday and i've read it 3 times, start to finish. not showing off here, just giving a piece of random info.

erhem. if suhanna's reading this, i warn you, i might drag you off to white sands to buy eclipse. i've got approximately 10.20 in my savings and with tomorrow's allowance, should be enough to cover it.

signing off.