ooo pathetique
Quote: Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to.
Friday, June 6, 2008,2:11 PM
random notes

since i am so bored today, i shall compile all the random things i have wanted to blog about but have put off.

1) Rain

Coincidentally, it is raining as i pound on this keyboard typing out these very words. it is damn damn gloomy and guess what? I LOVE IT.

i do not get why the hell don't parents let kids, or anyone under 20, for that matter, go out in the rain. sure, pneumonia is pneumonia, and a cold is a cold, but don't you think we should be allowed to make our own decisions? ok, if it's a p1 that i understand, but still! they should really let people in sec schs think for themselves.

but admittedly there are some mindless morons who insist on playing in the rain despite lightning. THAT is just plain moron, ya know? but if guys can play soccer in the rain, why not girls? immunity is immunity. to imply that guys are more macho and can tahan rain more is just SEXIST.

2) Patriotic Singapore

ok, so maybe i should wait for national day to declare this topic, but i can't hold it anymore. I LOVE SG!

if i go into full detail about this it would take ages (3hours?4 hours?) and i do not have that kinda time so just click here.

end of post, bye bye. have a good hol.