ooo pathetique
Quote: Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008,4:39 PM
weird.lame.pathetic.a million words.

today is a really. really. stupid. day.

first, i get up LATE. not accidentally, either. my alarm rings at 6.15, and i so lazy to geddup i roll over and turn it off. then i sleep somemore.

take note: i did not SNOOZE it. the alarm would not ring again. i turned it OFF.

so finally i shot up. i had slept for ten minutes, it was 6.25, and i had to get to the bus stop in twenty minutes.


so then, we had NCDCC training. that part was at least fun. a bit. first aid lesson; more theory than anything. i still have three full pages of notes. just goes to show CCAs can be school no. 2.

not just that. then we were released at 12.30. and i had to, ok, volunteered, to help out with the board with amalia and fatin. then we saw a CICAK. yep. you got it. lizard, pinkish, rubbery, black stripes on the tail. it ran over amalia's hand.

she screamed and it was the end of it for board clearing. finito. she stood at one corner and refused to touch anything supposedly "contaminated".

THEN looked for suhanna's present. finally bought it at For You, won't go into details in case Suhanna is reading this. basically looked for it for about 20 minutes?

then walked to suhanna's house. from there on it got plain weird.

first, i remembered that my niece and aunt were living in blk 121. and suhanna lived in 118. so it was in incredible CLOSE proximity, and if my aunt saw me, i tell you, i would be DEAD.

then (and it gets weirder), i heard someone yell my name. turned and brava! saw the two people i do NOT want to see.


end of story; there's more but i have to go.